Community carol singing and musical items by locals attracted about 100 people to the annual Carols by the Sea at Arno Bay on Sunday, December 22.
Cleve Melody Singers sang a melody of Christmas songs and carols; four of the five Llewelyn sisters provided beautiful harmonies with a couple of songs; and Roger Lienert played guitar and sang a few songs.
Four local singing students – Isabelle Llewelyn, Ava Leonard, Anabelle Ramsey and Ruby Llewelyn – sang The Heart That Matters Most.
New Uniting Church minister Darian Jones gave a Christmas message on the theme that all are sinners, including those that attend church.
He said that Jesus was the only person without sin, and had taken our sins when he died on the cross.
Stacey Higgins held young children spellbound with an interactive story about Christmas presents, their meaning, and why they should not be opened until December 25.
Bronwyn Smith and Thomas Higgins provided musical accompaniment for the carols.